The U.S. Stole Billions From Haiti. It’s Time to Give It Back.
Google Translater for Website Click on the dropdown button to translate. Translate this page: BY JOSEPH BLOCHER AND MITU GULATI SEPT 14, 2021 2:26 PM Haiti is in desperate need after a devastating earthquake, a hurricane, a presidential assassination, and not enough vaccines to stop the delta variant. International aid is pouring in, which is all good, but not good enough. It is time to ask about what Haiti is owed —not in terms of international benevolence or moral duty, but as a matter of basic legal rights and principles. Many think of Haiti as a debtor nation, but the fact is that former colonial powers might be the ones legally in debt to Haiti. And the basis for that debt is not just a generalized grievance about colonial domination, but something much more tangible: Haiti once had something of great value, a The island of Navassa is about 30 miles off the coast of Haiti and is covered in centuries’ worth o...